California Classified School Employee Teacher Credentialing Program
The California Classified School Employee Teacher Credentialing Program (CCSETC) is a grant to help classified school employees obtain a teaching credential. Participants will receive funding of up to $4,320 per year or until you receive your preliminary teaching credential. The grant is available to assist you with books, fees, and tuition while attending an institution of higher education or approved teacher preparation program of your choice.
Who may apply for the Classified School Employee to Teacher Program?
Any classified employee in our consortium may apply for this program. You must have a minimum of an AA/AS or two years of coursework toward a BS/BA in order to apply. If you have completed a BA/BS you are eligible to apply.
Do I have to pay the district back the funds awarded to me?
No. This is a grant which means as long as you follow the program guidelines, you do not need to repay the funds to the district.
Once I graduate with my teaching credential, will I automatically be hired by a participating District as a certificated employee?
No. You will still have to go through the normal application process for employment. If you are hired, applicants are required to complete one year of classroom instruction as a teacher in exchange for each year of funding assistance provided to them by this program.
Will the district provide any other assistance to participants in this program?
In addition to an academic advisor through your college or university program, you will also receive Grant Program support and optional advisement appointments available from Yolo-Solano Center.
When is the due date for the application form?
We are currently accepting applications from Classified Employees in our consortium.
The California Classified School Employee Teacher Credentialing Program (CCSETC) is a grant to help classified school employees obtain a teaching credential. Participants will receive funding of up to $4,320 per year or until you receive your preliminary teaching credential. The grant is available to assist you with books, fees, and tuition while attending an institution of higher education or approved teacher preparation program of your choice.
Who may apply for the Classified School Employee to Teacher Program?
Any classified employee in our consortium may apply for this program. You must have a minimum of an AA/AS or two years of coursework toward a BS/BA in order to apply. If you have completed a BA/BS you are eligible to apply.
Do I have to pay the district back the funds awarded to me?
No. This is a grant which means as long as you follow the program guidelines, you do not need to repay the funds to the district.
Once I graduate with my teaching credential, will I automatically be hired by a participating District as a certificated employee?
No. You will still have to go through the normal application process for employment. If you are hired, applicants are required to complete one year of classroom instruction as a teacher in exchange for each year of funding assistance provided to them by this program.
Will the district provide any other assistance to participants in this program?
In addition to an academic advisor through your college or university program, you will also receive Grant Program support and optional advisement appointments available from Yolo-Solano Center.
When is the due date for the application form?
We are currently accepting applications from Classified Employees in our consortium.
What is an Intern Program?
An Intern program is an alternative certification pathway for individuals interested in entering the teaching profession. It is a two year long commitment, where one is employed as the “teacher of record” and at the same time taking coursework to earn a preliminary teaching credential. Individuals who may be best suited for an intern program are:
- A second-career professional looking to enter the education profession
- A para-educator, substitute teacher, tutor, or instructional aide with experience working in school settings
- A recent college graduate, interested in teaching in a content area that is presently under-staffed, such as Special Education
- Someone seeking an alternative pathway to teacher preparation.
When will the Intern program start?
We welcomed the first Intern Cohort in September 2018.
What Credentials will be offered?
We offer the Intern Teacher Program for the Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Support Needs and Extensive Needs Support Needs and Multiple Subject credentials. Our program will expand in subsequent years to offer Single Subject credentialing.
When will you offer a single subject?
The timing of when addition credential areas are offered will be determined by the needs of local districts as well as program design and resources available.
How do I become Intern eligible?
- The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing sets the minimum standards for Intern Eligibility. Once you are Intern Eligible, you can get hired as a teacher of record, and begin our two-year Intern program to earn a CA Preliminary Teaching Credential.
- There are several requirements to become Intern Eligible. Click here to see the requirements.
How do I become an Intern?
In order to become an intern, one must complete the requirements to become intern eligible. Click here to see the requirements.
What is Pre-Service?
- Pre-Service is one requirement that must be met for admission into our upcoming Intern program, designed to prepare eligible candidates to be teachers of record. Our Spring 2019 Pre-Service is in progress and runs from February to June . It is a rigorous program that candidates must successfully complete to be recommended to intern.
- Pre-Service is offered each February. A summer Pre-Service will be offered depending on interest and enrollment numbers. We will be offering Preservice Courses Summer 20.
Can I complete Pre-Service with you and then enroll in another institution’s intern program?
Pre-Service coursework will prepare candidates to apply to the upcoming Intern program at the Yolo-Solano Center for Teacher Credentialing. If a candidates chooses to apply to an Intern Program with another institution, the candidate understands that the other institution will determine whether or not to accept YSCTC Pre-Service coursework. Candidates also understand they will be required to meet the program requirements of that institution, which may involve completing additional coursework to meet their Pre-Service requirements.
Articulation AgreementsThe Yolo Solano Center for Teacher Credentialing has articulation agreements in place with Placer County Office of Education and Sacramento County Office of Education. These Articulation Agreements establish a partnership between the Yolo Solano Center for Teacher Credentialing (YSCTC) and the Placer County Office of Education (PCOE) and between YSCTC and the Sacramento County Office of Education. The purpose of these Agreements are to guide, direct, and provide educational opportunities for YSCTC and PCOE/SCOE students respectively. Students admitted to either Mild/Moderate Intern Program at PCOE or the Intern Program at SCOE are eligible to receive transfer credits for pre-service coursework from either program, provided the student has taken and successfully passed the entire pre-service coursework.
Articulation AgreementsThe Yolo Solano Center for Teacher Credentialing has articulation agreements in place with Placer County Office of Education and Sacramento County Office of Education. These Articulation Agreements establish a partnership between the Yolo Solano Center for Teacher Credentialing (YSCTC) and the Placer County Office of Education (PCOE) and between YSCTC and the Sacramento County Office of Education. The purpose of these Agreements are to guide, direct, and provide educational opportunities for YSCTC and PCOE/SCOE students respectively. Students admitted to either Mild/Moderate Intern Program at PCOE or the Intern Program at SCOE are eligible to receive transfer credits for pre-service coursework from either program, provided the student has taken and successfully passed the entire pre-service coursework.
Is enrollment limited for the Intern Program? For Pre-Service?
- Our Intern Program follows a cohort model with a maximum number of 30 candidates per cohort. Class size for Pre-Service is limited to 30 candidates.
- Priority enrollment for both Pre-Service and the Intern Program is given to candidates employed in our partner districts (Davis Joint Unified, Esparto Unified, Washington Unified, Winters Joint Unified, Woodland Joint Unified, and Yolo County Office of Education.)
How much does the Intern Program cost?
The cost of participating in an Intern Program is generally less than completing a credential program through a University. Our Intern Program has two different fee structures for tuition for partner districts/organizations and for participating districts/organizations. Our Partner Districts are: Davis Joint Unified, Esparto Unified, Washington Unified, Winters Joint Unified, Woodland Joint Unified, and Yolo County Office of Education. An intern teacher employed in one of the partner districts pays a lower tuition rate than an intern teacher employed in participating districts. All other intern program fees are the same, regardless of which district an intern teacher candidate is employed in. You can detailed tuition information here.
I am a Classified Grant recipient, does the grant cover my tuition?
- If you are a Classified Grant recipient, you can use the grant to cover education related expenses, including Pre-Service tuition, textbooks, and Intern Program tuition.
- Click here for more information on the Classified Grant.The Classified Grant program is a state-funded career pathway program for classified employees, leading to a teacher preparation program and teaching credential. Eligible program participants may receive stipends for $4320 (depending on number of participants) per year for the next 4 years to cover eligible expenses (tuition, fees, and books) for becoming a classroom teacher.
Do you offer financial assistance or loans for tuition?
We do not offer any financial assistance. The cost of tuition is your responsibility, yet we do offer payment options to spread out the cost of tuition over a period of several months. In addition, Intern Teacher Candidates are advised to check with the district they are employed in, as some districts may decide to cover tuition and fees.
Do you help candidates find intern teaching jobs?
- Yolo Solano Center Intern Program does not actively find positions for current and potential intern candidates. While the our Intern Program remains in close contact with the school districts and strongly advocates on behalf of candidates, it does not assume responsibility for intern placement. That responsibility lies with candidates themselves. We do hold a workshop titled "Get that Teaching Job" in Spring every year. When looking for jobs, it is important to note that districts generally do not advertise job openings as "intern positions." Rather, they ask for qualified, credentialed candidates. If you apply for a position that asks for a "teaching credential," the school district will determine if they are able to fill the position with someone who holds an intern credential or if they need someone with a preliminary or clear credential instead.
Why would a district hire me with no credential?
- If a district is not able to hire enough fully credentialed teachers, the next best opportunity for a district is to employ an intern, who is earning their credential while teaching. Consequently, they look to fill openings with the next category of “highly qualified” (No Child Left Behind Act term) teachers. Interns fit in that category and are holders of a credential (Intern Credential) during the two-year program while completing coursework.
What happens once I earn my Preliminary Credential?
- Once you have earned a Preliminary teaching credential you are eligible to enroll in our Commission-approved Induction program, designed to support new teachers in earning their clear credential.
What happens if I enroll, complete pre-service requirements, then can’t get a teaching position or I’m unable to pass CSET?
- You may return to our program within 5 years. However, the CTC may require additional pre-service requirements within that time period, so you may need to complete more coursework when you return. You must however, process a credential within ten years of passing CSET.
Do I have to stay with the district that employs me?
- You are under contract with your district for the contract period. Interns are expected to stay with their district until the completion of their Intern Program. On occasion there are reasons an intern changes districts, but it is not recommended.
Where can I find out more information?
- There are many ways you can learn more about what we offer at the Yolo-Solano Center for Teacher Credentialing:
- Subscribe to our newsletter.
- Follow us on twitter and “like” us on facebook!
- Attend an Information Session. We offer sessions several times a year, both in person and via web conferencing. Check our website for session dates and times.
Does my public school district participate in the Yolo-Solano CTC Induction Program?
The following public schools belong to the Yolo-Solano Center for Teacher Credentialing Induction Consortium:
- Benicia USD (CTE only)
- Davis JUSD
- Dixon USD
- Esparto USD
- Fairfield-Suisun USD (CTE & EdSp Lv II only)
- Travis USD
- Sacramento COE (CTE only)
- Solano COE
- Vacaville USD
- Washington USD (CTE & EdSp Lv II only)
- Winters JUSD
- Woodland JUSD
- Yolo COE
Does my private school participate in the Yolo-Solano CTC Induction Program?
The following private schools participate:
- Holy Rosary School, Woodland
- Kairos Public School Vacaville Academy, Vacaville
- Notre Dame School, Vacaville
- St. Catherine of Siena School, Vallejo
- Solano Christian Academy
- Vacaville Christian Schools
- Woodland Christian Schools
- Yocha Dehe Wintun Academy
Is the Yolo-Solano CTC Induction Program an online program?
No, however, the program offers extension units through UC DAVIS which requires participation in 5 seminars and orientation.
Do I need to find someone to be my mentor?
No, each participating school has a coordinator to administer the program. The coordinator will work with your school site to identify a mentor with the same credential area or expertise to support you.
Where are the seminars located? When will they be held?
Induction seminars are held in locations convenient to most schools. We currently hold sessions online.
Seminars are held 4:30 - 6:30pm throughout the school year, currently October through May.
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