The California Agricultural Teachers’ Induction Program (CATIP) sprang out of the need to induct new agriculture teachers into the dynamic field of agriculture education as identified by the Vision 2030 process of the California Agricultural Teachers’ Association (CATA) that began in 2013. CATIP is a consortium built for the purpose of providing alternative services meant to support and mentor California Agriculture Teachers in their first two years. As a formal partnership between the Davis Joint Unified School District and the CATA, CATIP inducts preliminary agriculture teachers into the profession through requirements set forth by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). CATIP provides relevant mentoring and support for early career agriculture teachers through a combination of programs from the Yolo-Solano Center for Teacher Credentialing, CTE TEACH, and the network and professional development of the CATA. The California Agricultural Teachers’ Induction Program is meant to be a two-year program.