Institutional Infrastructure to Support Educator Preparation
Common Standard 1 – Institutional Infrastructure to Support Educator Preparation
Each Commission-approved institution has the infrastructure in place to operate effective educator preparation programs. Within this overall infrastructure:
1.1 The institution and education unit create and articulate a research-based vision of teaching and learning that fosters coherence among, and is clearly represented in all educator preparation programs. This vision is consistent with preparing educators for California public schools and the effective implementation of California’s adopted standards and curricular frameworks.
CS 1.1 Institutional Vision and Description to support Educator Preparation
YSCTC Website
YSCTC Mission statement and learning outcomes - page in Program Handbooks
DJUSD Website, DJUSD Board of Education Goals
1.2 The institution actively involves faculty, instructional personnel, and relevant stakeholders in the organization, coordination, and decision making for all educator preparation programs.
CS 1.2 Table of Stakeholder Roles, Responsibilities and Activities
1.3 The education unit ensures that faculty and instructional personnel regularly and systematically collaborate with colleagues in P-12 settings, college and university units and members of the broader educational community to improve educator preparation.
CS 1.3 Table of Stakeholder Collaboration Activities and Published Documents
1.4 The institution provides the unit with sufficient resources for the effective operation of each educator preparation program, including, but not limited to, coordination, admission, advisement, curriculum, professional development/instruction, field based supervision and clinical experiences.
Refer to Program Review Submission
1.5 The Unit Leadership has the authority and institutional support required to address the needs of all educator preparation programs and considers the interests of each program within the institution.
Refer to Program Review Submission
1.6 Recruitment and faculty development efforts support hiring and retention of faculty who represent and support diversity and excellence.
CS 1.6 Recruitment and Faculty Development
1.7 The institution employs, assigns and retains only qualified persons to teach courses, provide professional development, and supervise field-based and clinical experiences. Qualifications of faculty and other instructional personnel must include, but are not limited to: a) current knowledge of the content; b) knowledge of the current context of public schooling including the California adopted P-12 content standards, frameworks, and accountability systems; c) knowledge of diversity in society, including diverse abilities, culture, language, ethnicity, and gender orientation; and d) demonstration of effective professional practices in teaching and learning, scholarship, and service.
CS 1.7 Evaluations and Job Descriptions with Qualifications
1.8 The education unit monitors a credential recommendation process that ensures that candidates recommended for a credential have met all requirements.
CS 1.8 Credential Recommendation Oversight & Monitoring Narrative
Each Commission-approved institution has the infrastructure in place to operate effective educator preparation programs. Within this overall infrastructure:
1.1 The institution and education unit create and articulate a research-based vision of teaching and learning that fosters coherence among, and is clearly represented in all educator preparation programs. This vision is consistent with preparing educators for California public schools and the effective implementation of California’s adopted standards and curricular frameworks.
CS 1.1 Institutional Vision and Description to support Educator Preparation
YSCTC Website
YSCTC Mission statement and learning outcomes - page in Program Handbooks
DJUSD Website, DJUSD Board of Education Goals
1.2 The institution actively involves faculty, instructional personnel, and relevant stakeholders in the organization, coordination, and decision making for all educator preparation programs.
CS 1.2 Table of Stakeholder Roles, Responsibilities and Activities
1.3 The education unit ensures that faculty and instructional personnel regularly and systematically collaborate with colleagues in P-12 settings, college and university units and members of the broader educational community to improve educator preparation.
CS 1.3 Table of Stakeholder Collaboration Activities and Published Documents
1.4 The institution provides the unit with sufficient resources for the effective operation of each educator preparation program, including, but not limited to, coordination, admission, advisement, curriculum, professional development/instruction, field based supervision and clinical experiences.
Refer to Program Review Submission
1.5 The Unit Leadership has the authority and institutional support required to address the needs of all educator preparation programs and considers the interests of each program within the institution.
Refer to Program Review Submission
1.6 Recruitment and faculty development efforts support hiring and retention of faculty who represent and support diversity and excellence.
CS 1.6 Recruitment and Faculty Development
1.7 The institution employs, assigns and retains only qualified persons to teach courses, provide professional development, and supervise field-based and clinical experiences. Qualifications of faculty and other instructional personnel must include, but are not limited to: a) current knowledge of the content; b) knowledge of the current context of public schooling including the California adopted P-12 content standards, frameworks, and accountability systems; c) knowledge of diversity in society, including diverse abilities, culture, language, ethnicity, and gender orientation; and d) demonstration of effective professional practices in teaching and learning, scholarship, and service.
CS 1.7 Evaluations and Job Descriptions with Qualifications
1.8 The education unit monitors a credential recommendation process that ensures that candidates recommended for a credential have met all requirements.
CS 1.8 Credential Recommendation Oversight & Monitoring Narrative